? Make more profit from your FB ads by using the ‘rules’ feature ? With Facebook ads, we want to scale up the winners and cut / change the losers. Problem is, you can’t be sitting on your computer 24/7 making micro adjustments to the ads to make the most of it. You can’t, your […]
How to get more customers + leads using Facebook Audiences
How to get more customers + leads using Facebook Audiences https://raycorcoran.com.au Everyone knows Facebook Ads are a great opportunity to get customers. The challenge is – the Ads Manager can be very confusing. You jump in there, and there’s a million options. In today’s video, I’m explaining how Facebook Audiences work. And how you can […]
How To Export LinkedIn Connections And Upload To Facebook Custom Audiences
Many of us will have potential leads connected to us on LinkedIn. We can build a relationship with them through multiple channels. Send them a DM, cold email them, posting valuable content and engaging with their posts. There’s one other way we can engage with them. Through Facebook Ads. In this video, I will show […]